Add PDF Page Numbers

Add page numbers into PDFs with ease

Select PDF file
or drop PDF file here

How To Add Page Numbers to A PDF?

Upload A PDF

Drag and drop your PDF into the box

Select Page Mode, Position And Specific Page

Select single page or facing pages, and choose where on the page you would like numbers to appear

Add Page Numbers

Click ‘Add page numbers’ and get your modified file

When Do You Need to Insert Page Numbers to PDF Document?

Page numbers enable you to direct a reader to specific areas without confusing or lengthy instructions. This ability is essential when you have added pages to a document.

Insert Page Numbers to PDF Online

Add page numbers to PDF document online for free

Improve Users Experience

Adding page numbers to your PDF with many pages can make you clearer about your PDF file, and it will be more convenient if you need to delete pages, add pages, or edit pages on your PDF later.

Customized Colors & Fonts & Sizes

You can customize the font, color, and size of your page number according to your preferences or your needs, and you can even adjust the placement of the page number.

Simple Operation, Saving Much Time

ONEPDF takes into account the experience of users when using the tool, so it has no complicated interface design or operation steps, and you can add page numbers to your PDF in 3 steps.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to add page numbers to PDFs in Adobe Acrobat?
  • 1. You can upload a PDF to Adobe's online PDF editor by dragging and dropping it or by selecting a file.
  • 2. Choose the text input box.
  • 3. To add a page number, select the page where you want it to appear and enter the appropriate number.
  • 4. The page number font size can be adjusted by clicking the font size button at the top of the page after selecting the desired page number. It looks like an icon consisting of a little and a huge letter T. Sizes range from 6 px up to 24 px.
How to add page numbers to the opposite side of each page in PDFs?
With ONEPDF, you can adjust the place where you put the page numbers. So just choose the side that you want to put numbers on, and ONEPDF will do the rest for you.
    Can a password-protected PDF be numbered?
    If you use an appropriate tool to remove the security from the PDF, then you can add page numbers to it. You must first unlock the PDF file in order to add page numbers to it. To achieve this, you can either enter the password or use a third-party program like ONEPDF.
      When page numbers are added to a PDF, does the format change?
      When you get a PDF numbered, you can rest assured that the resulting file will always be in.pdf format. No matter how many pages your document has, all it does is put page numbers wherever you want them to go across all of the sheets.