Use ONEPDF OCR to Recognize and Extract Text from PDFs or Images

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How to OCR PDFs Online for Free?

Upload PDF File

Upload your PDF file to the OCR PDF tool

Choose Document Language

Select your document language, there is up to 16 languages available

Get Editable PDF

Your searchable and editable PDF will be automatically downloaded into your computer after processing

How to Make a PDF Searchable Online for Free?

Effortlessly convert non-selectable PDF files into searchable and selectable PDFs with our OCR tool. One click to OCR and more accessibility for text copying.

Powerful OCR PDF Tool

Free OCR PDF tool for both Mobile and Desktop

Outstanding Recognition Quality

ONEPDF utilizes advanced technology to deliver impressively accurate PDF scanning results, reaching up to 99% precision. Regardless of intricate characters or cluttered pages, our superior OCR technology excels in flawlessly recognizing and outputting the most error-free files.

Compatible with Any Device (Mobile & Desktop)

ONEPDF enables you to OCR or convert your PDFs on the go as it is compatible with a variety of operating systems, including Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android, etc., as long as you are connected to the Internet.

Recognize Up to 16 Languages

ONEPDF enbales up to 16 language recognition, including English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and more. With this extensive language support, you can effortlessly transform your image-based PDF into an editable PDF file with high accuracy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is OCR and OCR applications in PDF?
  • OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition. It is a technology that recognizes text in scanned documents and images. In simple terms, with OCR, your non-selectable PDF files can be transformed into editable and searchable PDFs, so that you can copy or extract text from your PDF.
  • OCR in PDF is especially useful when dealing with scanned documents, faxes, invoices, photographs, etc. By scanning and extracting texts from these image-based PDFs, OCR enhances the accessibility, usability and manageability of PDF files.
Why is OCR important in PDF?
  • PDFs are not easy for text copying or editing. However, OCR software enables text extraction from scanned or image-based PDFs, making the content searchable and editable. With the text extraction ability, OCR streamlines workflows of data extraction and analysis. By unlocking the text within PDF files, OCR expands the possibilities for efficient information obtaining, processing and collaboration.
Can I convert scanned text to PDF for free?
Absolutely! ONEPDF is a free collaborative software for PDF conversion, PDF compression, PDF merging and more. All users could have unlimited access to the platform as long as they have an internet connection. Visit our Word to PDF page for free and smooth conversion of your scanned text files.
    Is there a limit to the size of the PDF file I upload?
    ONEPDF can easily converts scanned PDFs less than 1GB in file size. Please ensure that your PDF file does not exceed this limit to ensure a smooth and successful upload and convert process. If your PDF file is larger than the specified limit, you may need to consider reducing its size or splitting it into smaller sections before uploading it to the platform.
      Can OCR recognize handwritten text in PDF?
      ONEPDF's OCR scanner excels in recognizing and extracting printed or typewritten text from PDF documents. However, our OCR tool is less accurate when it comes to handwritten texts as a lack of standardized characters in handwriting. We recommend you look for alternatives online to recognize handwriting.