Split PDF

Split PDFs and Save Separate PDF files Online for Free

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How to Split PDF?

Upload PDF

1. Select or drop your PDF files into the box

Split PDF in Seconds

2. Select the pages that you want to extract and wait for the processing

Download the PDF File

3. Save the resulting PDF document to your device for free

Why Split PDF?

Need smaller PDF files or extracting relevant PDF pages? ONEPDF has you covered. Only a few clicks to separate PDF pages for high accessibility and convenient sharing.

Simple and Cost-free Method to Extract and Separate PDF Pages Online

ONEPDF is your go-to PDF separator for cutting PDFs into multiple files or honing in on relevant content within specific pages. Unlock the convenience of dividing PDFs online!

Convenient, and Simple to Use

ONEPDF offers you a simple and intuitive user interface. Using ONEPDF for various needs for PDF, such as PDF splitting, PDF conversion or PDF merging could never have been easier. All levels of technical expertise could smoothly navigate and operate this tool.

Split PDF With Real-time Preview

Our PDF splitter allows users to preview the PDF pages in real-time and select the desired pages accordingly. Experience the convenience of previewing and separating PDF pages!

Multi-modal Splitting Tool

ONEPDF offers two splitting modes. Mode 1: Split each page into a separate PDF file. Mode 2: Select and extract certain pages into a PDF document. The choice between the two modes is all up to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I split a PDF into multiple files?
  • Simply upload your PDF documents to our site, choose the desired splitting mode and finally click "Spilt". All you have to do is wait for the process to complete and download the resulting file to your device.
  • ONEPDF offers you two splitting options:
  • a. Extract every page into a separate PDF file. For instance, if there're 8 pages in your PDF, you will receive 8 individual PDF files after the splitting process.
  • b. Select certain pages to split. Select the exact pages that you want to separate and you will eventually receive a new PDF file only with those selected pages.
Will splitting a PDF file with ONEPDF affect the quality of the content?
  • No, splitting a PDF file with ONEPDF will not affect the quality of the content. ONEPDF features advanced algorithms to accurately extract the selected pages or sections based on users' needs. When you split a PDF on our platform, the extracted pages will retain the same clarity, resolution and formatting as the original file.
Can I split a PDF file without installing any software?
Yes, you can use an online PDF splitting tool to split a PDF file without downloading any software. ONEPDF is the tool that allows you split PDFs in the cloud. Simply type out ONEPD's website on a browser and start your PDF processing journey!