DWG/DXF to PDF Converter

Convert CAD Files to PDFs Online

Select CAD file
or drop CAD file here

How to Convert CAD to PDF?

Upload CAD Files

Upload DWG/DXF files, or drag & drop it

Convert CAD to PDF

ONEPDF starts converting DWG/DXF to PDF

Click to Download the Corresponding PDF

Store PDF files locally

Why Convert CAD to PDF?

Converting DWG/DXF to PDF creates an efficient and streamlined workflow in the workspace, making it easier to retrieve and reference specific designs.

Change CAD to PDF Format in a Prompt & Complete Way

ONEPDF ensures a prompt and complete CAD to PDF conversion for your design drawing files (DWG, DXF, etc.). With only a few clicks and a minute's waiting, you will get a high-quality PDF file with all its complete orginal layouts.

Smooth CAD Content Sharing

DWG/DXF to PDF conversion significantly reduces the file size for easier and faster sharing or storing. This is particularly advantageous when sharing files via email or uploading them to cloud storage platforms with limited storage capacities.

Convert CAD to PDF to Preserve Design Integrity

Converting CAD files to PDF can help preserve the design intent and ensure the file remains accessible over time. PDF documents precisely show the dimensions and details of CAD designs, and ensure the formats stay the same across various devices and platforms.

Flexible Accessibility and Viewing of CAD Files

Compared to DWG/DXF files, PDFs can be viewed easily and flexibly on various devices or software, which is often available and free. Converting CAD to PDF ensures that the designs can be accessed, viewed, and navigated easily by different stakeholders, with or without CAD software. Users can easily zoom in, or rotate the PDF files for a detailed examination.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a CAD File?
CAD files are digital formats used to store designs made with computer-aided design software, such as AutoCAD,  containing information about the shape, size, and dimensions of the object being designed. They are widely used in engineering, architecture, manufacturing, and construction to simulate and test designs before building. Common CAD file formats are DWG, DXF, STEP, and IGES, easily shared between users and applications.
    Can DWG and DXF be converted into PDF files?
    Yes, DWG and DXF files can be converted into PDF files using AutoCAD or other third-party software, such as ONEPDF. In AutoCAD, you can select the "Export to PDF" function to save DWG/DXF files as PDFs. However, if you don't have access to AutoCAD, ONEPDF is a great option for you. Simply upload the file and this tool will do the rest for you. The whole process is fast, convenient and free.
      What are the advantages of converting CAD to PDF?
      Same as PPT conversion, converting CAD files to PDF formats ensure compatibility, security, consitency as well as easy sharing. PDF files can keep the orginal format of AutoCAD files and be viewed on any device. Whether you view it on computers or cellphones, with or without AutoCAD software, it presents same formats, fonts and graphics.
        Does the CAD to PDF converter support 3D models and complex geometries?
        Yes, ONEPDF fully supports CAD to PDF conversion with 3D models and complex geometries. However, it might take a bit more time when processing large-size files due to the complexity involved. Nonetheless, ONEPDF ensures accurate and reliable conversion results.